Tag Archives: ingham

From Bankrupt Dairy Farm to Profit: How Compost Saved a Dairy Farm 200K Per Year.

Raleigh Latham - Vimeo Notes: Saturday, April 21, 2018

Vimeo  (12 min) - Australian dairy farmers

I got a chance to interview Elaine Ingham back in January, and she went over one of her most remarkable stories…helping Dairy Farmers on the brink of collapse and suicide flip their operations from bankruptcy to being profitable within a year.

By composting their manure, they were able to save 200K a YEAR on inputs, reverse an environmental hazard(gross manure lagoons), and restore their soil beyond what was seen in generations. While the neighbors could only graze their cows once a season, the ranchers and dairies who used compost were able to graze their cows once every 10 days. What’s extra interesting was hearing how this spread from 3 farmers to 175 within 3 years!

I feel like this is so powerful because it’s simple, scalable, and scientific. Monitor the biology, create the right compost and compost teas, and any landscape can be restored to full productivity, regardless of scale, or damage.