Tag Archives: Seeds of Destruction

The Brotherhood of Death - Human Guinea Pigs Engdahl Newsletter 12 - FREE Seeds of Destruction Book Sample - Chapter 5

F. William Engdahl - Sept 15, 2019 - Chapter 5

Hello Dear Reader,

In this issue of my periodic newsletter I would like to share with you material that is relevant to my book, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of GMO. The GMO so-called bio-tech industry does incredible things to keep labeling off their products, to prevent independent scientific research in to the safety not only of the genetically modified soybeans or corn or cotton; they also prevent any research into the possible carcinogen traits or toxicity of the agrochemicals they force farmers to use with their GMO seeds. The following is an account of the true origins of the project that is called Genetic Manipulation or creation of unnatural Genetically Manipulated Organisms and the real agenda of the people who sponsor the entire project.

The Brotherhood of Death - Human Guinea Pigs 

It’s 20 pages in A4 format, pdf from SEEDS of DESTRUCTION, Chapter 5

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VIDEO: GMO - Seeds of Destruction - Lecture by F. William Engdahl - 94 min

Opendox SE - Stockholm the 9th of April 2014 - Posted by CCFSH Apr 10, 2019

The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

GMO - SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION by F. William Engdahl - LECTURE, April 9th, 2014

One of the most important video lectures you will ever see on the history of the GMO industry and their agenda…CCFSH.

Opendox.se and Anarchos present F. William Engdahl’s lecture about GMO - genetically modified organisms; Monsanto; international politics of patenting plants and animals; central governance of all food production; controlling human birth rates and depopulation programs.

F. William Engdahl (born August 9, 1944) is an American German freelance journalist, historian and economic researcher. After earning a degree in engineering and jurisprudence from Princeton University in 1966 (BA), and graduate study in comparative economics at the University of Stockholm from 1969 to 1970, he worked as an economist and free-lance journalist in New York and in Europe. His first book was called A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. In 2007, he completed Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation. Engdahl is also a frequent contributor to the website of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Anarchos is a Swedish publishing house which provides works with alternative world views and ideas from authors and researchers like F. William Engdahl, David Icke, Bill Still and many more - often translated from to Swedish.

VIDEO of LECTURE (93 min)

or Youtube VIDEO of Lecture (93 min)